Parenting Issues and Family Therapy

Our family therapy services are designed to support families in navigating a wide range of challenges and transitions. We understand that family dynamics can be complex and that conflicts and disagreements can arise even in the most loving and supportive families.

Our team of therapists is trained to work with families to identify the underlying issues that are contributing to conflict and disconnection and to develop strategies for improving communication, resolving conflicts, and strengthening relationships. We take a collaborative and non-judgmental approach to therapy, working with all family members to find solutions that work for everyone.

Some of the issues that we can help families to address include:


Our family therapy services are available to youth (13+) and adult family members. In family therapy, family can be defined as any group of people that call themselves family, including parents, children, grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, friends, or caregivers.

Large, happy, multiracial family, illustrating the concept that our family therapy services are designed to support families in navigating a wide range of challenges and transitions.

There is no standard length for family therapy as some may only need a few sessions, whereas other families may need more time. However, family therapy is often short-term.

If you are interested in learning more about our family therapy services, please click the button below or contact us directly to schedule a consultation with one of our family therapists. We would be honoured to support your family on its journey toward greater understanding and closeness.